The Projection Bandwidth was created by Mel Widner (Stocks and Commodities Jul 1995) and this is another of my series of indicators that I consider undiscovered gems. For those of you who are unaware, the Bandwidth indicator measures the distance between the high and low bands and if you remember from my Projection Bands script, the Projection Bands give pretty...
The Trend Analysis Index was created by Adam White and not to be confused with the Trend Analysis Indicator that I also published. This indicator operates under the same idea but using a completely different calculation to achieve similar results. The idea behind this indicator is for a combination of volatility and trend confirmation. If the indicator is above...
Names: "Course Gradient Indicator" or "Punctual Deviaton of Course Gradient Indicator" or shortly "PDCG Indicator" Description: I developed this Indicator to identify potential changes in the course gradient (aka slope of course). If you want to know what kind of mathmatical operations where used for this, look at the source code below Usage: Generally, i...