RVSILibrary "RVSI"
This Library contains functions that calculate all types of " Relative Volume Strength Index (MZ RVSI ) " depending upon unique volume oscillator. Achieved RVSI value can be used for divergence detection in volume or to adapt dynamic length in Moving Averages or other functions.
rvsi_tfs(vol_src, vol_Len, rvsiLen, _open, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on TFS Volume Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
vol_Len : Volume Legth for TFS Volume Oscillato
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_open : Ticker Open Value
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on TFS Volume Oscillator
rvsi_obv(vol_src, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on On Balance Volume
vol_src : Volume Source to Calculate On Balance Volume
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on On Balance Volume
rvsi_kvo(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Klinger Volume Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : Volume Fast Length
SlowX : Volume Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Klinger Volume Oscillator
rvsi_vzo(vol_src, zLen, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Volume Zone Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
zLen : Volume Legth for Volume Zone Oscillator
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Volume Zone Oscillator
rvsi_cvo_obv(vol_src, ema1len, ema2len, rvsiLen) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with On Balance Volume as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
ema1len : EMA Fast Length
ema2len : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with On Balance Volume as Calculations Source
rvsi_cvo_pvt(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Price Volume Trend as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : EMA Fast Length
SlowX : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Price Volume Trend as Calculations Source
rvsi_cvo_cvd(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen, _open, _close, _high, _low) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Cumulative Volume Delta as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : EMA Fast Length
SlowX : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_open : Ticker Open Value
_close : Ticker Close Value
_high : Ticker High Value
_low : Ticker Low Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Cumulative Volume Delta as Calculations Source
[VDB]Advanced BankNifty VolumeNSE:BANKNIFTY Index is traded significantly along with NIFTY and having a VOLUME indicator is very helpful for those who follow it extensively as it is used to measure the relative significance of a price move. Given TradingView doesn’t provide the VOLUME on Index chart, many end up using BANKNIFTY FUTURE chart for volume information. This indicator helps providing that VOLUME information.
Get VOLUME You Prefer –
FUTURE : This extracts VOLUME data from BANKNIFTY FUTURE chart.
INDEX : VOLUME is calculated by the weighted sum (Composite method) of underlying stock’s spot volume for all the 12 stocks of the Bank Nifty Index.
Volume Moving Average in added to show the LINE and also used in calculation to change volume bars color if that input is selected.
Color Bars Based on Average VOLUME : Selecting this helps changing the Color of VOLUME bars to lighter color if volume < average volume.
Color Bars Based on Previous Close : Selecting this input changes the Color of VOLUME bars based on “Previous Close” than “Current Open”.
BANKS & WEIGHTAGE : Here all 12 underlying banking stocks of Bank Nifty Index are listed along with their weightage in the index.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Changing any settings of the indicator leads to its complete recalculation. The result may differ from the expected one. Weightage of each stock changes by end of every month. Always to refer NSE NIFTY BANK composition and weightage from NSE website.
DISCLAIMER : This indicator has been created for educational reference only and do not constitute investment advice. This indicator should not be relied upon as a substitute for extensive independent market research before making your actual trading decisions. Market data or any other content is subject to change at any time without notice. Liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of this indicator is accountability of user.
Hello traders,
As you know, in trading two things are important: Price Action and Volume. When a stock is bullish and there is support with the volume, it is a good thing. Sometimes a stock will be accumulated before anyone gets to know about it. A slight increase in the volume might not get noticed, unless the volume is calculated to check for an increase. The script will calculate each volume bar in real time and will compare it to the previous bars. If there is a significant increase in the volume, it will be spotted, and the color will change to inform the trader.
There are couple of user input fields for modifications.
1- The lookback period. Default is set to 20, but could be changed from 10 to 50. This will affect how the script is going to calculate the abnormality in the volume.
2- The other one is to see the volume as a histogram or not.
3- Volume color
4- Alpha Volume color
5- Histogram color
I hope you will find it useful
Volume Breakout (ValueRay)Easy visuals on, if volume is way over average. Good for Mean Reverting. Higher Volume tends to higher breakout chances.
Please whisper me for for ideas how to make this better. Its a very simple script, but got some alpha. If you know how to improve, let me know and i will code it into.
Realtime Volume Bars w Market Buy/Sell/Neutral split & Mkt Delta
What is it?
A tool that shows Real-time Volume bars split into 3 components: (1) Market Buy Volume - i.e., the volume that got transacted on upticks; (2) Market Sell Volume - i.e., the volume that got transacted on downticks;
and, (3) Neutral Volume - i.e., the volume that got transacted without a change in price. (This feature can be turned off if you want normal volume bars).
Market delta (i.e., Market Buy Volume - Market Sell Volume) is also displayed above each volume bar. (On by default; can be switched off from Settings)
The split and Market Delta data are ONLY AVAILABLE FOR REAL-TIME BARS. Historical bars are shown just like regular ones. The dotted line marks the start of real-time data (i.e., the bar from which the indicator started collecting and displaying data). You will see accurate data for bars to the right of this line. The longer you keep a chart open with the study enabled, the more data it collects and displays, and the better your analysis can potentially be.
Note that the data gets reset every time any of the options is changed, the market is switched, the browser is refreshed, or the script is reloaded
DATA ISN'T STORED. I.e., every time a new symbol is loaded, the previous symbol's data is lost. So if you intend to monitor a symbol, you would need to keep it loaded all the time.
Who is it for?
For traders who are used to analyzing buy/sell activity using market buy/sell volume and market delta information
Although you can use this independently as well, use it in conjunction with "Market Delta Volume for Realtime Bars" indicator to get a better visual representation of the numbers.
SVA - Simple Volume Analyzer, by BlueJayBird [bjb] ENGLISH & SPANISH
------------------------------------- ENSLIGH
The idea was initially inspired in the concepts shared by @LazyBear on his indicator "Better Volume Indicator" (). But I found it somewhat complicated and dull. So I came up with this.
It changes the color of volume bars based on surrounding volume changes.
Volume changes are plotted as volume MAs lines in the volume pane.
Whenever the volume is higher than these MAs, the bar changes color.
For this reason, the bar color change is RELATIVE TO the surroundings, because the color change depends on how far the MA has been extended due to sudden (or not) changes in the volume.
Weak Green and Red: Low volume. The calm before or after the storm.
Normal Green and Red: Mid volume. Still low volume, you may get bored.
Yellow: High volume. Players are playing hard and harder.
White: Ultra-High Volume. The elephants stepped in.
SVA works better at lower timeframes. Though as far as I can tell, it works pretty well as far as 1D timeframe.
------------------------------------- SPANISH
La idea estuvo inicialmente inspirada en los conceptos expuestos por @LazyBear en su indicador "Better Volume Indicator" (). Pero lo encontré un poco complicado y falto de claridad. Así que me inventé este.
Cambia el color de las barras basándose en los últimos cambios de volumen.
Los cambios de volumen son ploteados como lineas de medias móviles (MAs, es decir "Moving Averages") en la sección del volumen (chart pane).
En cualquier momento que el volumen es mayor que estos MAs, el color de las barras cambia.
Por esta razon, el cambio de color de las barras es RELATIVO a lo que está sucediendo alrededor, ya que el cambio de color depende de qué tan lejos el MA se haya extendido por causa de los últimos cambios (o no) de volumen.
Verde y rojo apagados: Volumen bajo (Low Volume). La calma antes de la tormenta.
Verde y rojo normales: Volumen medio (Mid volume). Volumen todavía bajo. Es posible que te aburras.
Amarillo: Volumen alto (High Volume). Los jugadores están jugando duro.
Blanco: Volumen ultra-alto (Ultra-High Volume). Los elefantes entran a la cancha.
SVA funciona mejor en temporalidades menores. Pero por lo que he visto, funciona bien hasta la temporalidad de 1D.
VolumatrixVolumatrix is an enhanced volume weighted price indicator with advanced features
Created by CryptoJew & CryptoTiger on 04-06-2021
👋 Definition
Volumatrix turns current and historical price data into enhanced volume weighted price plots that allow you to visually grasp the momentum of any given market.
It’s easy to use and provides an accurate reading about an ongoing trend. This indicator is optimized to catch trend movements as soon as possible and to maximize certainty.
🙌 Overview
The Volumatrix indicator is based on an enhanced VWAP calculation, which serves as a present and upcoming price movement indication.
The further away the VWAP Wave is from the Zero Line, the more powerful the momentum is in that direction.
Conversely, the closer the VWAP Wave is to the Zero Line, the less momentum it has.
⭐️ Features
Volumatrix consists of the following features:
VWAP Waves: Visualizes the market's momentum in an easy-to-understand way by drawing colored waves.
VWAP Average: Acts as a calibration line for current wave movements.
Bearish & Bullish Dots: Indicates and confirms immediate trend changes by printing dual-colored dots.
E MA Backgrounds: Shows the general direction of the market, based on the exponential moving average (EMA).
In-depth alerts: Help traders discover potential trades with less time.
☝️ Basics
The Volume Weighted Average Price plays an essential role, as the Volumatrix indicator uses an enhanced VWAP calculation.
The volume weighted average price (VWAP) is a great technical trading indicator used by traders as it accounts for both price and volume.
VWAP signals the ratio of the cumulative share price to the cumulative volume traded over a given time.
It is essential because it provides traders with advanced insight into the trend and value of an asset.
Unlike moving averages, VWAP assigns more weight to price points with high volume.
This allows one to understand price points of interest, gauge relative strength, and identify prime entries/exits.
VWAP works with any interval: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc...
However, keep in mind that VWAP can also experience some lag, much like a moving average.
Lag is inherent in the indicator because it's a calculation of an average using past data.
🧮 Calculation
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is constructed with two parameters, namely, price and volume, in 5 steps:
1. Calculate the Typical Price for the period.
((High + Low + Close)/3)
2. Multiply the Typical Price by the period Volume
(Typical Price x Volume)
3. Create a Cumulative Total of Typical Price
Cumulative(Typical Price x Volume)
4. Create a Cumulative Total of Volume
5. Divide the Cumulative Totals
VWAP = Cumulative(Typical Price x Volume) / Cumulative(Volume)
🔍 Trend Identification - What to look for
VWAP is an excellent way to identify the trend of a market.
When using Volumatrix, you are looking for multiple confirmations that take place simultaneously.
The more confirmations that occur at the same time; the more certain the indicator will be.
You can identify the direction of a market by looking out for a few critical confirming signals.
📈 Bullish Trend Confirmations:
VWAP Wave overcrossing Zero Line :
When the VWAP Wave is crossing over the Zero Line, it indicates an immediate bullish trend.
This is one of the most certain moves that one can detect in Volumatrix.
This means that the price is about to change direction.
This is the case for any timeframe: seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, month, year, etc.
VWAP Wave color turning bullish:
When a bullish trend is about to happen, the VWAP Wave will change its color to yellow and finally to green.
That way, one can preemptively detect an upcoming bullish move.
In general, the VWAP Wave can change to 3 different colors.
Green means bullish.
Bullish Dots:
From time to time, bullish green dots will appear.
When combined with other indications, the Bullish Dots can be handy in confirming an upcoming or present uptrend.
That said, one should never solely rely on dots when deciding whether the trend is bullish or not.
Instead, if a trader sees a green dot, it should be taken as a hint to look for further bullish indications.
EMA Background:
One can identify the general trend of a market by looking at the background color of the indicator.
When the background is green, one can assume that a bullish trend is present.
The background color changes based on the exponential moving average (EMA).
By default, the 200 EMA is set. Change this value based on your timeframe preferences.
VWAP Average:
When the white VWAP Average line crosses above the Zero Line, it acts as an additional trend confirmation when combined with the VWAP waves.
As the VWAP average does not weigh in the short-term movements too heavily, it is less affected by immediate volatility.
Therefore, traders usually use the VWAP Average as a calibration tool to interpret the VWAP Waves more precisely.
📉 Bearish Trend Confirmations:
VWAP Wave under crossing Zero Line:
When the VWAP Wave is crossing under the Zero Line, it indicates an immediate bearish trend.
This is one of the most certain moves that one can detect in Volumatrix. This means that the price is about to change direction.
This is the case for any timeframe: seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, month, year, etc.
VWAP Wave turning bearish:
When a bearish trend is about to happen, the VWAP Wave will change its color to yellow and then finally to red.
That way, one can preemptively detect an upcoming bearish move. In general, the VWAP Wave can change to 3 different colors.
Red means bearish.
Bearish Dots:
From time to time, bearish red dots will appear.
When combined with other indications, the bearish dots can be handy in confirming an upcoming or present downtrend.
That said, one should never solely rely on dots when deciding whether the trend is bearish or not.
Instead, if a trader sees a red dot, it should be taken as a hint to look for further bearish indications.
EMA Background:
One can identify the general trend of a market by looking at the background color of the indicator.
When the background is red, one can assume that a bearish trend is present.
The background color changes based on the exponential moving average (EMA).
By default, the 200 EMA is set. Change this value based on your timeframe preferences.
VWAP Average:
When the white VWAP Average line crosses below the Zero Line, it acts as an additional trend confirmation if combined with the VWAP waves.
As the VWAP average does not weigh in the short-term movements too heavily, it is less affected by immediate volatility.
Therefore, traders usually use the VWAP Average as a calibration tool to interpret the VWAP Waves more precisely.
💤 Sideways Trend Confirmations:
VWAP Average:
When the VWAP Average is parallel and hovering around the Zero Line, either above or below it, that will indicate a sideways trend.
🚦 Usage - How and where to use it
The Volumatrix indicator is a universal indicator that works with any market capable of calculating a VWAP.
It’s currently being used in the following markets: cryptocurrency market, stock market, gold market and oil (just to name a few).
❗️ Requirements:
This indicator does not require any additional indicators as traders usually do in price action trading.
Basically, one just needs to follow the crossings, dots, and colors to get maximum certainty.
As a bonus, we recommend traders take advantage of TradingView’s multi-chart to catch more simultaneous confirmations.
🗣 Example Strategy: The 4 Timeframe Strategy
One can use the Volumatrix indicator along with the 4 timeframe strategy.
For example, open the 4 hour, 1 hour, 30 minute, and 5minute intervals simultaneously from left to right in a multi-chart layout.
Then lookout for the following conditions to meet:
OPEN LONG TRADE IF: On the 1-hour interval + 30-minute interval, Bullish Dots appear simultaneously
AND: On the 4-hour interval, the VWAP Wave is above the Zero Line
AND: On the 5-minute interval VWAP Wave is about to cross over the Zero Line or has already minimally crossed up.
OPEN SHORT TRADE IF: On the 1-hour interval + 30-minute interval, Bearish Dots appear simultaneously
AND: On the 4-hour interval VWAP Wave is below the Zero Line
AND: On the 5-minute interval VWAP Wave is about to cross under the Zero Line or has already minimally crossed down.
💡 Tips
Use TradingView’s 4-multi-chart layout to catch potential trades faster.
Use the indicator on a computer for optimal performance.
Set your computer screen to higher resolutions to get a better overview.
🔔 Alerts
With Volumatrix, you can use in-depth alerts like:
Bullish Dot
When a green dot at the bottom of the indicator appears
Bearish Dot
When a red dot at the bottom of the indicator appears
VWAP Wave Crossing Over Zero Line
When the VWAP Wave crosses over the Zero Line
VWAP Wave Crossing Under Zero Line
When the VWAP Wave crosses under the Zero Line
VWAP Wave Crossing Over Zero Line + Bullish Dot
When the VWAP Wave crosses over the Zero Line and a Bullish Dot appears
VWAP Wave Crossing Under Zero Line + Bearish Dot
When the VWAP Wave crosses over the Zero Line and a Bearish Dot appears
VWAP Average Crossing Over Zero Line
When the VWAP Average crosses over the Zero Line
VWAP Average Crossing Under Zero Line
When the VWAP Average crosses under the Zero Line
🔧 Settings
🔢 Inputs
These settings will change the behavior and outcome of the indicator.
Determines the number of previous candles that should be taken into calculation for the EMA background.
The value of the EMA can be changed to one's preferred value in accordance with the chosen interval.
The default value is 200.
🎨 Style
These settings will change the appearance of the indicator
VWAP Waves
Determines the color, opacity, thickness, and shape for the VWAP Waves.
The default shape is area.
The default colors are red, yellow & green.
VWAP Average
Determines the color, opacity, thickness, and shape for the VWAP Average.
The default shape is line.
The default color is white.
Zero Line
Determines the color, opacity, thickness, and shape for the Zero Line.
The default shape is a line.
The default color is white.
EMA Background
Determines the color & opacity for the Dynamic Background.
The default colors are black, red & green.
Bullish Dot
Determines the color, shape, opacity & location for the bullish dot.
The default shape is a circle.
The default color is green.
Bearish Dot
Determines the color, shape, opacity & location for the bearish dot.
The default shape is a circle.
The default color is red.
✅ Summary
Volumatrix is a unique indicator because, unlike many other VWAP tools, it's suited for simple as well as advanced analysis.
It’s a solid tool for immediately identifying the underlying trend of an asset.
Of course, this is true for any indicator based on the VWAP, which calculates an average using past data.
Still, Volumatrix is superior in this realm as it enhances the VWAP in its calculation and its visualization, while it comes with many advanced features.
❓ Questions
If you have any questions, just ask them here or in the Volumatrix community.
📚 Terminology
Bearish Dots: Red dots appearing at the bottom of the Volumatrix indicator.
Bullish Dots: Green dots appearing at the bottom of the Volumatrix indicator.
EMA: Exponential Moving Average - Tracks the price of an asset over time while giving more importance to recent price data.
Volume: A measure of how much of a given asset has traded in a period.
VWAP: Volume Weighted Average Price - The ratio of the value traded to total volume traded over time.
VWAP Average: Represents the average of the VWAP waves in the Volumatrix indicator.
VWAP Wave: The colorful waves representing the enhanced VWAP in the Volumatrix indicator.
Zero Line: It’s the indicator’s baseline and determines the beginning and end of a certain trend.
🙏 Acknowledgments
First, we would like to thank TradingView & PineCoders for this fantastic platform and technology.
We are also very grateful to our loyal trading community for constantly supporting our efforts.
We are looking forward to continuously improving this indicator for you.
Volume Profile Array's [fikira]Inspired by © IldarAkhmetgaleev (AkhIL) - "Poor man's volume profile" - "PMVolProf"
He did a fantastic job on "Volume Profile"!
My script is about making this with array's
- period (last x bars) for calculation
- max width (visible horizontal range)
- amount of sections (vertical sections; to many sections can give an error -> lower the sections in that case)
Setting "high/low", "close":
- "high/low"
-> the volume of every bar (in the period) which low is lower than a particular section and which high is higher than that section is added to that section
- "close"
-> here the volume of every bar (in the period) which close closes in the range of a particular section is added to that section
The orange/blue coloured "Volume lines" are the highest/lowest values above and below present close
(can be used as Support/resistance )
"Only show max/min" shows only the orange/blue Volume lines
The period and highest/lowest is show by 2 thin blue lines
Color, line width is adjustable
Volume Play This is going to be my first published indicator on Trading View. Thanks for TradingView for providing us this great platform And thanks for all of those who helps me to built this indicator and share there ideas.I cannot mention everyone name here believe me that list going to be huge.Everyone’s idea and help is much appreciated.This is how our TradingView community is growing day by day with kindness and knowledge. Every time I take so much from community in form knowledge that every time somewhere I feel that I also need to do something for community and finally day arrived .A gift from my side to community.A gift of indicator-VOLUME PLAY
This volume based indicator has High Relative Volume bar Background, Low Relative Volume bar background ,Volume Labels of Buying volume, Selling volume and Total volume count with percentage, Highest Volume in Percentage and Highest 5x volume count and 10x volume count of bar.Plus I have did column scaling to take Down pan input so you can switch pane or add in existing pane without any major problem And all this works on any time frame. Isn’t it good idea?
This indicator displays the volume of each session in a similar manner of the default volume indicator.However it add on the last bar Green and Red bar colours. Green means buying is more than selling and Red means selling is more than buying.On top of Some bar If number appears That means that’s volume is highest multiple volume of 5 and if number appears with label means highest multiple volume of 10.So simple without label volume counts means 5x and with label means 10x.
Now some of bars has background colour of Mint green , Pastel red and White.That’s highlight high relative volume bars with a highly buying activity range in Green and high relative volume bars with a highly selling activity range in Red And white background is low relative volume for that timeframe bar.
I am kind of person who don’t keep show indicator value enable all time.So it’s come in mind why not plot this values without enabling it.So I decided to show this values of buying, selling and total volumes on top near middle pane.Interesting thing is that I made a label with the help of pine script Table feature.Thanks a lot to Pine Team to add this new great feature! It’s great alternative for labels feature.Because of this feature I am able to locate buying, selling and total volume at right place where in most of scenario it will adjust.
Please note that all values are estimate.It’s not accurate.I show volumes in K,M form.Plus with volume I also try to show Buying And Selling volume in percentage form to get rough idea about what’s going on in instrument.Idea is to get better view of volume by splitting it into Buying , Selling and Total volume.This allows you to see are the bulls or bears in-control in relation to the overall Volume.
By default this indicator overlay is false but you can move this indicator pane to existing upper or lower pane.It will help to save space as well.If combine with two indicator at same pane then it will create two value scale at right side.So you will not loose any indicators values.By default I used 50% of vertical space in indicator scale factor.
I tried to make this indicator as accurate as inbuilt volume indicator with added extra feature.The main aim of indicator to get Idea of volume role in that symbol with that specific timeframe.Result might not be accurate but I expect somewhat nearby to accurate.
Kept source code open purposely for learners of pine script. Please avoid misuse or selling of this indicator.Remember Sharing Is Caring. If someone has suggestions or any addition then please comment below.Wishing you all abundance of health, wealth, and prosperity.
After all its all about VOLUME PLAY.
Disclaimer:-This indicator is not meant for buy or sell signals.This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice. This indicator/code IS NOT intended to be a formal investment advice or recommendation by the author, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding their own trading vehicles/assets.
FXBABATRADING ~ ZVOL DELTAOur ZVOL DELTA indicator is an outstanding Volume indicator to determine the strength of BUY vs SELLERS Volume in units of Standard Deviation from a set period average, that is, helps you visualize how much BUYERS/SELLERS VOLUME has deviated from the mean. This indicator is part of a bundle of 5 indicators which we call the ZScore Indicator Suite all based on the ZScore function of statistics.
In this particular mode (ZVOL DELTA) you can see whether BUYERS OR SELLERS VOLUME is above or below the mean average of it, a simple moving average (period of your choice) determined by a + or - value. The value itself represents a Standard Deviation multiplier. A reading below ZERO signifies VOLUME below such average while a reading above ZERO signifies VOLUME is above the average. How far up or down from the zero line signifies how many units of standard deviation is VOLUME deviated from the set moving average.
The indicator when used in combination with the others in the set can help confirm breakout moments such as in the case above when the ZVOL DELTA crossed above the upper level.
Alert signals are provided in the script but you can turn them off in settings.
Each indicator in the ZScore Suite has a particular function:
ZClassic: Measures the position of Price in relation to a set average in units of standard deviation.
ZRange: Measures the position of the Standard Deviation itself in relation to a set average, in units of standard deviation.
ZVolumeDelta: Measures the position of Volume Delta in relation to a set average, in units of standard deviation.
ZTrend: Its a custom mathematical function that allows to measure the strength and direction of the Trend in reference to a set average.
Volume Info from Lower Time FramesHello Traders,
We are now able to get info from lower time frames, Many Thanks to Pine Team .This script gets volume info from lower time frames and give alert if there is extreme volumes on last X lower time frame candles (if last X volumes are higher than volume moving average). so that if you set alerts on different securities then you will be able get alert if there is extreme volume moves and you can check the chart immediately.
The options:
Timeframe in Seconds : you can set lower time frames in seconds. by default it's 5 seconds. if you set it 60 then it will show 1min volumes, if you set it 1 then it will show 1 seconds volumes
MA Length : The script draws simple moving average using this length info. by default it's 20.
Number of Bars to Check for Alert : by default it's 5. meaning that if last 5 candles is greater than moving average and if you set alert then you get the alert "Extreme Volume"
Other options are for colors and line width.
As you can see in following example, chart time frame is 1 hour and the script shows volume info of 5 seconds candles:
Volume Average % Cross - ChartVolume Average Percentage Cross Indicator - Chart
This version is specialized for notifications on your chart. If you wish to see notifications on your volume bars please choose "Volume Average Percentage Cross Indicator - Default".
What is the Volume Average % Cross - Chart Indicator you might ask yourself - what is it for?
I will tell you!
Use Case:
In my Indicator you have an Input to set the period for the volume average period.
Once the volume average period is calculated it is now necessary to choose the percentage value.
What is the percentage value?
The percentage value multiplies the past volume bar with a positive percentage value and a negative percentage value. I give this calculation the name "VolPercentage".
If the volume average is below the negative VolPercentage Value it means that the last volume bar is stronger than the volume average period by the percentage you set the percentage value input at.
If the volume average is above the positive VolPercentage Value it means that the last volume bar is weaker than the volume average period by the percentage you set the percentage value input at.
That means that if for example the percentage value would be 20 it would require the volume average to be 20% above the past volume bar.
That means that if for example the percentage value would be 20 it would require the volume average to be 20% lower than the past volume bar.
Once I uploaded my 100 Indicators I will accurately describe each indicator with videos, this will be huge!
Volume is the amount of market participants who bought in a candlestick bar a set amount of shares at varying prices from within the bar itself.
If volume decreases it means that there has been fewer market participants and if it increases it means that there is an increase of market participants.
If this is used with candlestick patterns it helps tremendously to identify strong or weak doji candlesticks.
UTG - VolumeOur in-house developed Volume indicator.
- Gives you a bit more information than the standard volume indicator
- Allows you to choose High Point Method
- This takes into account the Historical High, or the last high in a predetermined length (of your choosing)
- Can determine the Vertical space used on the chart
- Can identify the Historical High for you
- Customisable in regard to colours & MA
If you'd like to know more about this, or gain access, details for access to this can be found in our Signature!
Happy Trading!
Volume Multi Time FrameHi All,
This script shows total volume info of Higher Time Frame. it checks open/close prices of higher time frame and sets the color. it also show a dynamic line on last volume , so you can see when HTF candle started and ended. by looking at the color of volume columns you can see HTF candle is green or red. it's something like weis wave volume that is using HTF candles.
Higher time frame is set automatically, you can set it manually by choosing "User-defined" in the indicator options and choose higher time frame as you want
Here some examples:
Current time freame is 1min and htf is 1hour
Current time freame is 1min and htf is 1day
Exhausted Volume (Expo)Exhausted Volume (Expo)
Exhausted Volume (Expo) indicator visualize exhausted volume. Exhaustion often signals the reversal of a current trend because it illustrates excess levels of supply or demand, indicating a market is either overbought or oversold.
The indicator can also be used to detect volume pressure in either direction which can occur in breakouts or in reversal points. The input variable ‘Volume Length’ can be changed. A longer Volume length means that the indicator detects bolder exhausted volume.
• Volume pressure is seen in reversal points.
• Volume pressure can be seen in breakouts.
The indicator is also equipped with exhausted volume signals that are more sensitive. This is visualized with arrows up and down. The investor has the ability to adjust the sensitivity of these signals.
1. Use the indicator to identify exhausted volume
2. Use the indicator to identify volume pressure.
3. Use the indicator to identify reversal points.
4. Use the indicator to identify breakouts.
Combine the indicator with ‘ Climax Volume (Expo) ’
The indicator works with RENKO, HEIKIN ASHI and with KAGI charts as well.
I hope you find this indicator useful, and please comment or contact me if you like the script or have any questions/suggestions for future improvements. Thanks!
I will continue to work on this indicator, so please share your experience and feedback with me so that I can continuously improve it. Thanks to everyone that have contacted me regarding my scripts. Your feedback is valuable for future developments!
• Contact me on TradingView or use the links below
Copyright by Zeiierman.
The information contained in my scripts/indicators/ideas does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, or individual’s trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My scripts/indicators/ideas are only for educational purposes!
[ProfitTrailer] VWAPPERCENTAGE Buy/Sell StudyProfitTrailer buy/sell study for VWAPPERCENTAGE strategy.
The script highlights the region where trailing is most likely to succeed.
Periodic Volume by Atilla YurtsevenPeriodic volume oscillator helps you to track volume of the selected period. Let's say you are analysing in 1H chart and your periodic volume is set to Daily. You can easily see what's the volume of the daily chart. You can select period from 1 minute to 1 month.
Disclaimer: This is not financial or investment advice
I often share ideas and scripts. Remember to follow me on TradingView to get notified.
Trade safe,
Atilla Yurtseven
(JS)DMI BarsAlright - so this is my own version of John Carter's "10x Bars"... I have done multiple things that are different from his version so they are slightly different..
So first of all the main indicator is based off of the ADX and the DMI;
For those who aren't familiar with it, Directional Movement is what you'd pull up under "built-in's" from the indicators tab (if you want to check it out).
The standard interpretation of this however, is when the ADX is above 20 that suggests the trend is strong, whereas under 20 suggests it is weak.
Also, when the D+ is above the D- that suggests a bullish trend, and D- above D+ suggests a bearish trend.
These bars take away the need to have it at the bottom of your screen, and places the data on the bars on your chart instead.
So here's what the colors stand for -
Yellow - The ADX is under 20, no strength in trend
Shades of green occur when the ADX is above 20 and there's a bullish trend (D+ higher than D-)
Bright Green (Lime) - Bullish trend, D+ above 30
Green - Bullish Trend
Yellow Green - Bullish trend, D+ below 15
Shades of red occur when the ADX is above 20 and there's a bearish trend (D- higher than D+)
Bright Red - Bearish trend, D- above 30
Red - Bearish Trend
Orange - Bearish trend, D- below 15
I have also added multiple time frame labels (label script used is the one created by Ricardo Santos)
These labels are color coded the same as the bars/candles, and they appear off to the right of your screen using every built in time increment from TradingView.
The purpose is to show you in real time, and on any chart resolution, what the current trend is on every individual time frame.
So using just one single chart you'll see your current resolutions candles, but also on the labels you'll see:
1 Minute
3 Minute
5 Minute
15 Minute
30 Minute
45 Minute
1 Hour
2 Hour
3 Hour
4 Hour
There is an input I added that allows you to adjust where your labels appear on the side of your screen as well!
Now onto the volume spike portion of the indicator. This will plot a blue dot under each bar that has a spike in volume which meets your specified criteria.
I have 500% as the default setting.
What that means is that this indicator looks back and gets the 50 bar volume average and then applies dots where volume is 500% above average.
Now finally, the reversal arrows. This is another simple to understand concept that I first read in John Carter's book "Mastering the Trade" that he calls "HOLP/LOHP".
I have added the ability to change the look back period you'd like the indicator to watch for highs and lows on.
What that stands for is 'High of Low Period' and 'Low of High Period', and it is used like this-
Whenever a bar makes a new high the indicator watches the low on that highest bar. Then when a bar afterwards makes a lower low then the one on the high bar,
a reversal arrow is given. Apply this same concept in the other direction in for the highs on the lowest bars.
Now, I didn't want to make a "set" or have a bunch of different indicators out there that are all intended for the same package, so I took the time to put them together,
and if there's a part of it you don't care for they can easily be turned off in the settings.
Session Volume Profile v1.0This script is a continuous Real Time Session Based (1D) Volume Profile . It emulates TV's built in Volume Profile Session Volume function.
It looks at the real time volume for a given session (1 day) and updates the following three elements for that day in real time:
Point of Control ( POC )
Value Area High ( VAH )
Value Area Low ( VAL )
There are 2 standard parameters:
Number of Bins/Rows : The granularity of the volume profile, the higher the number the more precise the calculations will be but will load slower, ideal is 16/32.
Percent for Value Area : Percent of total volume traded that you would like to be shown as a fill around the POC (maximum volume bin/row)
There are also 2 non standard parameters:
Checkbox for slower loading but more precise Value Area Calculation, checked = enabled, unchecked = disabled
Checkbox for more volatile symbols, check this if the price action is outside of the white dotted lines, default is disabled, checked = enabled, unchecked = disabled
POC: White Stepline
Value Area High: Highest Blue Line marking the top of the fill (Value Area)
Value Area Low: Lowest White Line marking the bottom of the fill
Please pm me if you are interested in trying this script out; I am also available for hire to work on custom scripts. Ty
Continuous Volume Profile v1.0This script is a continuous real time Volume Profile. Unlike the standard Volume Profile that focuses on fixed/visible range it will update and plot the following on every bar.
Point of Control (POC)
Value Area High (VAH)
Value Area Low (VAL)
You have the standard 3 parameters to configure:
Period Length
Number of Bins/Rows
Percent for Value Area
Please pm me if you would like to try the script.
You can use this indicator for Volume
Wish you many pips dear my friend