Kapil arora Trading Indicatorthis indicator world best indicator . making profit is best . loss less profit more 60 % accuracy this indicator
Intelle_city - World Cycle - Ath & Atl - Logarithmic - Strategy.Overview
Indicators: Strategy !
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Strategy - The Pi Cycle Top and Bottom Oscillator is an adaptation of the original Pi Cycle Top chart. It compares the 111-Day Moving Average circle and the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle of Bitcoin’s Price. These two moving averages were selected as 350 / 111 = 3.153; An approximation of the important mathematical number Pi.
When the 111-Day Moving Average circle reaches the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market is becoming overheated. That is because the mid time frame momentum reference of the 111-Day Moving Average has caught up with the long timeframe momentum reference of the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average.
Historically this has occurred within 3 days of the very top of each market cycle.
When the 111 Day Moving Average circle falls back beneath the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market momentum of that cycle is significantly cooling down. The oscillator drops down into the lower green band shown where the 111 Day Moving Average is moving at a 75% discount relative to the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average.
Historically, this has highlighted broad areas of bear market lows.
IMPORTANT: You need to set a LOGARITHMIC graph. (The function is located at the bottom right of the screen)
IMPORTANT: The INTELLECT_city indicator is made for a buy-sell strategy; there is also a signal indicator from INTELLECT_city
IMPORTANT: The Chart shows all cycles, both buying and selling.
IMPORTANT: Suitable timeframes are 1 daily (recommended) and 1 weekly
Описание на русском:
Обзор индикатора
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Strategy - Логарифмический - Сигнал - Осциллятор вершины и основания цикла Пи представляет собой адаптацию оригинального графика вершины цикла Пи. Он сравнивает круг 111-дневной скользящей средней и круг 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней цены Биткойна. Эти две скользящие средние были выбраны как 350/111 = 3,153; Приближение важного математического числа Пи.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней достигает круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рынок перегревается. Это происходит потому, что опорный моментум среднего временного интервала 111-дневной скользящей средней догнал опорный момент импульса длинного таймфрейма 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это происходило в течение трех дней после вершины каждого рыночного цикла.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней опускается ниже круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рыночный импульс этого цикла значительно снижается. Осциллятор опускается в нижнюю зеленую полосу, показанную там, где 111-дневная скользящая средняя движется со скидкой 75% относительно 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это высветило широкие области минимумов медвежьего рынка.
ВАЖНО: Выставлять нужно ЛОГАРИФМИЧЕСКИЙ график. (Находиться функция с правой нижней части экрана)
ВАЖНО: Индикатор INTELLECT_city сделан для стратегии покупок продаж, есть также и сигнальный от INTELLECT_сity
ВАЖНО: На Графике видны все циклы, как на покупку так и на продажу.
ВАЖНО: Подходящие таймфреймы 1 дневной (рекомендовано) и 1 недельный
Beschreibung - Deutsch
INTELLECT_city – Weltzyklus – ATH & ATL – Zeitrahmen 1T und 1W – Logarithmisch – Strategy – Der Pi-Zyklus-Top- und Bottom-Oszillator ist eine Anpassung des ursprünglichen Pi-Zyklus-Top-Diagramms. Er vergleicht den 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis und den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis des Bitcoin-Preises. Diese beiden gleitenden Durchschnitte wurden als 350 / 111 = 3,153 ausgewählt; eine Annäherung an die wichtige mathematische Zahl Pi.
Wenn der 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis erreicht, deutet dies darauf hin, dass der Markt überhitzt. Das liegt daran, dass der Momentum-Referenzwert des 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im mittleren Zeitrahmen den Momentum-Referenzwert des 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im langen Zeitrahmen eingeholt hat.
Historisch gesehen geschah dies innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach dem Höhepunkt jedes Marktzyklus.
Wenn der Kreis des 111-Tage-Durchschnitts wieder unter den Kreis des 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitts fällt, deutet dies darauf hin, dass die Marktdynamik dieses Zyklus deutlich nachlässt. Der Oszillator fällt in das untere grüne Band, in dem der 111-Tage-Durchschnitt mit einem Abschlag von 75 % gegenüber dem 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitt verläuft.
Historisch hat dies breite Bereiche mit Tiefstständen in der Baisse hervorgehoben.
WICHTIG: Sie müssen ein logarithmisches Diagramm festlegen. (Die Funktion befindet sich unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm)
WICHTIG: Der INTELLECT_city-Indikator ist für eine Kauf-Verkaufs-Strategie konzipiert; es gibt auch einen Signalindikator von INTELLECT_city
WICHTIG: Das Diagramm zeigt alle Zyklen, sowohl Kauf- als auch Verkaufszyklen.
WICHTIG: Geeignete Zeitrahmen sind 1 täglich (empfohlen) und 1 wöchentlich
intellect_city - World Cycle - Ath & Atl - Logarithmic - Signal.Indicator Overview
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Signal - The Pi Cycle Top and Bottom Oscillator is an adaptation of the original Pi Cycle Top chart. It compares the 111-Day Moving Average circle and the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle of Bitcoin’s Price. These two moving averages were selected as 350 / 111 = 3.153; An approximation of the important mathematical number Pi.
When the 111-Day Moving Average circle reaches the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market is becoming overheated. That is because the mid time frame momentum reference of the 111-Day Moving Average has caught up with the long timeframe momentum reference of the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average.
Historically this has occurred within 3 days of the very top of each market cycle.
When the 111 Day Moving Average circle falls back beneath the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market momentum of that cycle is significantly cooling down. The oscillator drops down into the lower green band shown where the 111 Day Moving Average is moving at a 75% discount relative to the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average.
Historically, this has highlighted broad areas of bear market lows.
IMPORTANT: You need to set a LOGARITHMIC graph. (The function is located at the bottom right of the screen)
IMPORTANT: The INTELLECT_city indicator is made for signal purchases of sales, there is also a strategic one from INTELLECT_city
IMPORTANT: The Chart shows all cycles, both buying and selling.
IMPORTANT: Suitable timeframes are 1 daily (recommended) and 1 weekly
Описание на русском:
Обзор индикатора
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Signal - Логарифмический - Сигнал - Осциллятор вершины и основания цикла Пи представляет собой адаптацию оригинального графика вершины цикла Пи. Он сравнивает круг 111-дневной скользящей средней и круг 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней цены Биткойна. Эти две скользящие средние были выбраны как 350/111 = 3,153; Приближение важного математического числа Пи.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней достигает круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рынок перегревается. Это происходит потому, что опорный моментум среднего временного интервала 111-дневной скользящей средней догнал опорный момент импульса длинного таймфрейма 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это происходило в течение трех дней после вершины каждого рыночного цикла.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней опускается ниже круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рыночный импульс этого цикла значительно снижается. Осциллятор опускается в нижнюю зеленую полосу, показанную там, где 111-дневная скользящая средняя движется со скидкой 75% относительно 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это высветило широкие области минимумов медвежьего рынка.
ВАЖНО: Выставлять нужно ЛОГАРИФМИЧЕСКИЙ график. (Находиться функция с правой нижней части экрана)
ВАЖНО: Индикатор INTELLECT_city сделан для сигнальных покупок продаж, есть также и стратегический от INTELLECT_сity
ВАЖНО: На Графике видны все циклы, как на покупку так и на продажу.
ВАЖНО: Подходящие таймфреймы 1 дневной (рекомендовано) и 1 недельный
Beschreibung - Deutsch
INTELLECT_city – Weltzyklus – ATH & ATL – Zeitrahmen 1T und 1W – Logarithmisch – Signal – Der Pi-Zyklus-Top- und Bottom-Oszillator ist eine Anpassung des ursprünglichen Pi-Zyklus-Top-Diagramms. Er vergleicht den 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis und den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis des Bitcoin-Preises. Diese beiden gleitenden Durchschnitte wurden als 350 / 111 = 3,153 ausgewählt; eine Annäherung an die wichtige mathematische Zahl Pi.
Wenn der 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis erreicht, deutet dies darauf hin, dass der Markt überhitzt. Das liegt daran, dass der Momentum-Referenzwert des 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im mittleren Zeitrahmen den Momentum-Referenzwert des 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im langen Zeitrahmen eingeholt hat.
Historisch gesehen geschah dies innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach dem Höhepunkt jedes Marktzyklus.
Wenn der Kreis des 111-Tage-Durchschnitts wieder unter den Kreis des 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitts fällt, deutet dies darauf hin, dass die Marktdynamik dieses Zyklus deutlich nachlässt. Der Oszillator fällt in das untere grüne Band, in dem der 111-Tage-Durchschnitt mit einem Abschlag von 75 % gegenüber dem 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitt verläuft.
Historisch hat dies breite Bereiche mit Tiefstständen in der Baisse hervorgehoben.
WICHTIG: Sie müssen ein logarithmisches Diagramm festlegen. (Die Funktion befindet sich unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm)
WICHTIG: Der INTELLECT_city-Indikator dient zur Signalisierung von Käufen oder Verkäufen, es gibt auch einen strategischen Indikator von INTELLECT_city
WICHTIG: Das Diagramm zeigt alle Zyklen, sowohl Kauf- als auch Verkaufszyklen.
WICHTIG: Geeignete Zeitrahmen sind 1 täglich (empfohlen) und 1 wöchentlich
Intellect_city - World Cycle - Ath - Timeframe 1D and 1WIndicator Overview
The Pi Cycle Top Indicator has historically been effective in picking out the timing of market cycle highs within 3 days.
It uses the 111 day moving average (111DMA) and a newly created multiple of the 350 day moving average, the 350DMA x 2.
Note: The multiple is of the price values of the 350DMA, not the number of days.
For the past three market cycles, when the 111DMA moves up and crosses the 350DMA x 2 we see that it coincides with the price of Bitcoin peaking.
It is also interesting to note that 350 / 111 is 3.153, which is very close to Pi = 3.142. In fact, it is the closest we can get to Pi when dividing 350 by another whole number.
It once again demonstrates the cyclical nature of Bitcoin price action over long time frames. However, in this instance, it does so with a high degree of accuracy over Bitcoin's adoption phase of growth.
Bitcoin Price Prediction Using This Tool
The Pi Cycle Top Indicator forecasts the cycle top of Bitcoin’s market cycles. It attempts to predict the point where Bitcoin price will peak before pulling back. It does this on major high time frames and has picked the absolute tops of Bitcoin’s major price moves throughout most of its history.
How It Can Be Used
Pi Cycle Top is useful to indicate when the market is very overheated. So overheated that the shorter-term moving average, which is the 111-day moving average, has reached an x2 multiple of the 350-day moving average. Historically, it has proved advantageous to sell Bitcoin around this time in Bitcoin's price cycles.
It is also worth noting that this indicator has worked during Bitcoin's adoption growth phase, the first 15 years or so of Bitcoin's life. With the launch of Bitcoin ETF's and Bitcoin's increased integration into the global financial system, this indicator may cease to be relevant at some point in this new market structure.
Global (World) Monetary Supply M2 (measured in USD)This is the Global Monetary Supply M2 of the richest and most populous countries that have info from at least 2008
It is measured in USD (converting the M2 of each of the countries respective currencies and virtually converting them into USD)
This is less than the global liquidity as it does not include the countries' assets in other currencies (on their balance sheets), it only focuses on the monetary supply of each of the countries own currencies.
Global Monetary Supply M2 Vs the Global GDP This indicator compares the Global (world) Monetary Supply (measured in USD) compared to the Global GDP.
This can be useful to measure the "money printing speed" of the world compare to the "world gdp growth", the higher the slope (angle of growth) the more money printing.
It includes the exact same countries of the Global M2 indicator (done by me), to make fair the comparison, which has the richest and most populous countries so to have a clear overview.
There tough a few very populated countries excluded, the details can be found on the Global M2 indicator script and reason for exclusion.
Global Unemployment RateThe Global Unemployment rate estimates what is the rate of unemployment of the whole world, taking same data from multiple countries and normalizing them.
It includes the Eurozone + 19 countries from all the continents, which are some of the richest countries as well as some of the most populous.
It sadly does not include India as its unemployment data on trading view as of today (Feb 2023) is only since year 2019, which is too short
Relevant Populations GroupedUSPOP Same idea as my previous grouped GDP indicator but now population sizes. Goes to show how a small portion of the world is responsible for most of what we consider economic productivity.
Buy and Hold entry finder StrategyHello everyone!
I proudly present the backtest Strategy Script for my "Buy and Hold entry finder" Script.
It basically shows you the outcome, if you would use my indicator in the past.
The buy signals are limited to 1 order per month.
Order Size: Allows you to choose, how much money you want to invest per month. (Please consider, it will only invest an x amount per Order, but it will not stack the amount you did not invest in an previous month ) (Example in my indicator)
Pyramiding: Just regulates, how often you can open an position.
Commission: Here you can set how much it will cost to open an position at your broker.
I coded a feature that allows you to set a Start Date and an End Date for your backtest. In the end of the backtest the script closes all positions.
If you got any question, feel free to ask in the comments or send me a message.
Sincerely, RS Titan.
COVID-19: Daily momentumThis indicator shows 14-days moving average of daily rate of change (momentum, acceleration), in other words:
- up trends means that virus accelerates at the rate displayed on the right scale
- consolidation/horizontal movement - virus spreads at constant rate
- down trend - virus looses momentum IMPORTANT: the virus STILL accelerates but at a lower rate
By default the graphic displays World vs. EU vs. US vs. Asia while individual countries are available in Settings.
- EU includes the following countries (DE, FR, IT, ES, CH), all with more than 10k confirmed cases and more than 1k new daily infections.
- Asia includes CH and KR
To use the indicator it is important to disconnect main chart from the right scale, on main chart click on More (the 3 dots) -> Pin to scale -> Select "No Scale".
Cryptocurrencies World SessionsEste indicador cambia los colores del fondo para identificar zonas horarias relacionadas con las sesiones de trading en criptomonedas.
Se muestran las sesiones de: America (Nueva York), Europa (Londres) y Korea (Seúl)
Además de mostrar la duración de la sesión, se pueden configurar intervalos para resaltar (en minutos): Antes de la apertura, después de la apertura y antes del cierre.
This indicators show background colours to identify world timezones about to cryptocurrencies trading sessions
These sessions are shown: USA (New York), Europe (London) and Korea (Seoul).
In addition to show the duration of the session, you can set intervals to be highlighted (in minutes): Before opening, after opening, before closing.
BTC World Volume (Multi-Exchange)Release: 2018-03-29
Bitcoin is listed on multiple exchanges. Many people have called for a single global index that would quote BTC volume across all exchanges: this script is such a virtual volume aggregate of the 17 largest fiat exchanges on TradingView (listed in the script comments, and in Format > Inputs for you to select). It includes USD, EUR, JPY, KRW and USDT sources.
It will, independently for each tick, quote the volume from all selected exchanges and display a stacked representation, freely inspired from CoinMarketCap charts; also a Moving Average. Each fiat/continent has its own general color, to be able to quickly glance at where volume is coming from, e.g. BitMEX or Asia. (colors are based on Google's Material Design).
By default:
Grey: BitMEX
Green: USD
Yellow: Tether (USDT)
Red: Asia (JPY, KRW)
Blue: Europe (EUR)
No more "on Coinbase this" or "on Bitstamp that", you've now got a global overview! It becomes easy to debunk a few common myths.
See CoinMarketCap for reference.
Note: Bitmex is not taken into account in CoinMarketCap (afaik) since it's trading a derivative asset (XBTUSD contracts), but it usually amounts to ~50% of the overall BTC volume in USD value. The 16 other exchanges quote their volume in BTC, and they represent 30~40% of the overall BTC volume. I believe the whole is good enough to smooth out exchanges variations, and get a fair representation of real-time activity.
Just add it to your chart, it will appear as a separate indicator. By default, it appears as stacked colored "areas". There is also a total volume Histogram, which is transparent by default: you can tweak that in Format > Style.
The darker and lighter backgrounds are respectively indicative of a downward price candle (open > close), or an upward price candle (close > open). They are unrelated to volume and simply help interpreting the indicator.
You can check/uncheck exchanges in the Format > Inputs tab to remove/add some of them from computation. All are enabled by default.
You can check/uncheck exchanges in the Format > Style tab to hide them (usually you would hide all or none).
You can edit colors and transpareny as well for each exchange.
You can edit "Volume histogram" transparency to have it show (it's a simpler representation than areas).
Moving Average: You can select the type (SMA, EMA, DEMA or TEMA) and length.
Please leave feedback below or pm me directly for bugs and suggestions.
BTC World Price: Multi-Exchange VWAPBTC World Price: Multi-Exchange VWAP
What you see above are not Bitmex candles, but this indicator's.
Bitcoin is listed on multiple exchanges. Many people have called for a single global index that would quote BTC price and volume across all exchanges: this script is such a virtual aggregate (formerly: Multi-Listed , Volume-Weighted Average Price ).
It will, independently for each tick, for any time-frame:
- Quote the price (O, H, L, C) and volume from Bitfinex (USD), Binance (USDT), bitFlyer (Yen), Bithumb (S. Korean Won), Coinbase (USD), Kraken (EUR) and even Bitmex (USD Contracts).
- Weight each price with the corresponding volume of the exchange.
- Quote the FOREX conversion rate in USD for each currency (USDJPY etc.)
- Finally return global average price (candles) in USD.
- Additionally provide (H+L)/2 etc. values.
No more "on Coinbase this" or "on Bitstamp that", you've now got a global overview!
See CoinMarketCap: Markets for reference. I've included alternative exchanges in the comments at the top of the script.
Basically just add it to your chart and use the indicator's candles instead of the chart's main ticker.
By default, BTC World Price will display candles only, but you can also display OHLC & averages (in whichever style you want).
You may indeed want to hide the main symbol (top-left corner, click the 'eye' button next to its name), or switch it to something else than candles/bars (e.g. line).
Make sure "Scale Price Chart Only" is disabled if you want to use the auto-zoom feature. (if other indicators are messing your zoom, you can try to select "Line with Breaks" or "Area with Breaks" to allow these to overflow from the main window)
By clicking the triangle next to the indicator's name, you can select "Visual Order" (e.g "Bring to Front").
You can select regular Candles or Heikin-Ashi in Options.
In the Format > Inputs tab, you can select which exchanges to quote. By default, all of them are enabled.
The script also exposes the following typical values to the backend, which you can use as Price Source for other indicators: (e.g. MA, RSI, in their "Format > Input" tab)
Open Price (grey)
High Price (green)
Low Price (red)
Close Price (white)
(H + L)/2 (light blue)
(H + L + C)/3 (blue)
(O + H + L + C)/4 (purple)
They are all hidden by default (by means of maximum transparency).
In the Format > Style tab, you can change their color, transparency and style (line, area, etc), as well as uncheck Candles and Wicks to hide these.
If you are using "Indicator Last Value" and want to clear the clutter from all these values, simply uncheck them in Style. They will still be available as Price Source for other indicators.
You can also choose to scale it to the left, right (default) or "screen" (no scaling).
Once you're satisfied with your Style, you may click "Default"> "Save as default" in the botton-left. Everytime you load the indicator, it will look the same. ("Reset Settings" will reset to the script's defaults)
Please leave feedback below in comments or pm me directly for bugs and suggestions.