Can I insert any picture in my publication or snapshot?

While TradingView now offers you the opportunity to include pictures in your charts, idea and script publications and snapshots, we strongly recommend that you use images that are informative, interesting, and related to the instrument you are charting.

Keep in mind that we do not allow any pictures that:

  • Are subject to copyrights
  • Contains advertising, solicitation
  • Are discriminatory in nature
  • Are overly poltical or religious
  • Impersonate, ridicule or defame someone else
  • Suggest that you are a moderator, TradingView employee or employed by a broker or exchange
  • Contain a website, email address, contact information, or social media links or handles
  • Contain erotica, nudity or is sexual in nature
  • Are offensive to good taste

This list is not definitive and TradingView reserves the right to decide what content is appropriate. All other House Rules apply.

With great freedom comes great responsibility. Publications or snapshots that are inappropriate will be hidden from public view and warnings or bans will apply for users sharing them. Thanks in advance for using proper judgement when taking advantage of this awesome feature.  Go forth, be creative and surprise our community in a positive way.