Black Hawk Trend 3

The Black Hawk Trend indicator uses data from sources (such as EMAs, RSI, Stochs) to derive a trend direction. This indicator contains a pivot line that turns green when there is a buy position (lower bar) and it turns red when there is an active sell position (upper bar).

When there is a buy/sell signal, this does not mean buy immediately at this point, but rather look for a potential entry.

This indicator has the ability to treat buy and sells separately (Default: 2 account method) or it can use them in tandem (1 account method).

There is a toggle in the settings to modify the code for Bitcoin vs Forex (& Stocks).

When there is a strong trend, a red/green “+” sign shows up; this typically means take caution when trying to take a position countertrend.

There are also red/green triangles that signify a potential area to add to a position.

1. I am not a financial advisor.
2. I do not guarantee this script will provide consistent profits or that anyone can make money with it.

Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator.
Информация о релизе
Updated pivots to readjust on big moves.
Информация о релизе
Fixed chart for indicator
Информация о релизе
Added option for Aggressive Trading
buyMoving AveragesOscillatorspivotresistenceSELLsupportTrend Analysis

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