[HWVZ] Hiubris WeisVolume ZigZag

This script follows the Zig Zag pattern of price movement, based on the Weis Wave Volume indicator.

The Weis Wave Volume shows the cumulative volume from the lowest point of the price swing to the highest point (or vice versa)

  • The user has the option to change the Trend Detection Length of the indicator to adjust the swings frequency (from say 5 to any value above or below)
  • The user has the option to display Support & Resistance lines based on those turning points
  • The user has the option to display Info Labels for each swing
  • The user has the option to change the Weis Wave Volume Timeframe

*This is a Tradingview interpretation of the Weis Wave Plugin
Информация о релизе
Updated to pine v5
hiubrisressistancesupportSupport and ResistancewaveweisweiswaveZigzagZig Zag Indicator

Скрипт с ограниченным доступом

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