
Portfolio Heat

The "Portfolio Heat" indicator offers a visual representation of potential risk exposure for a portfolio across up to eight different symbols. It dynamically calculates three risk metrics based on current price, the number of shares owned, your designated stop loss, and total account size.

  • Open Dollar Risk – the total dollar amount you will lose if your stop loss is hit.
  • Open % of Portfolio Risk – the risk as a percentage of your total account size.
  • Starting Capital Risk – the dollar amount risked based on the difference between the entry price and stop price.

These metrics adjust in real-time, allowing you to monitor and manage risk more effectively.

Open portfolio heat refers to how much you would lose if all your currently held stock positions hit their stop-losses, whether those stop-losses are below what you paid for them - referred to as your “cost basis” - at your cost basis (breakeven) or above your cost basis (in the money). Admittedly, it’s a pretty bad day when all your stops are hit at once, but as traders we need to prepare for the worst. To visualize what “open heat” looks like on a single stock position, please note the chart below:


In the example above you can see that if you were to purchase 100 shares of this stock at a cost-basis of 18/share, and your stop-loss is placed at $15, if the current price of the stock is at $20 and the stock price drops to hit your stop-loss, it would result in a $500 total drawdown in your portfolio. Keep in mind this is just one stock position. Hypothetically, if you were even holding two stocks that had the above open heat, with a $10,000 account size, you could experience a 10% drawdown quite fast if the market corrects.

The “Portfolio Heat” indicator is fully customizable allowing traders to select the number of positions in the portfolio, colors and a detailed or a summary view of risk.


Note if entering a short position, you will enter the number of shares owned as a negative number.
Информация о релизе
Added ability for up to 10 stocks.
Информация о релизе
Added ability to show entry and stop levels on portfolio holdings.
Информация о релизе
Update includes two new features.
  1. Position size for each position / total exposure of overall portfolio
  2. Ability to add a starting portfolio value to compare performance vs risk
Информация о релизе
Update to show exposure in summary view
Информация о релизе
Update hides the input settings from the status bar to avoid overlapping onto price action.
Информация о релизе
Option added for a compact view to be used on mobile. Same information displayed as the summary view, just smaller.
Информация о релизе
update to allow data to be read by other indicators
Информация о релизе
Option to change the data text background color.
Информация о релизе
Update to automatically sort detailed view alphabetically.
Информация о релизе
Update includes the option to show 2 risk multiples on the chart of a current holding.
Информация о релизе
Small update to allow R multiples to be shown on price scale if desired.
Информация о релизе
update for up to 20 symbols.

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